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Author Submission Information

Lux Veritatis is a peer-reviewed journal of academic theology publishing articles that contemplate sacred doctrine in its speculative and sapiential fullness. It welcomes contributions that uphold theology as a science and that strive for understanding the truth of God and creation.


Submission requirements

  • Submissions should generally be between 8,000 and 12,000 words (including notes), though shorter or lengthier contributions may be considered.

  • Submissions must be formatted according to the Lux Veritatis House Style Guide

  • Submissions must be anonymized with all identifying information removed from the submission file.

  • Submissions must not be previously published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  • All submissions must be submitted through Scholastica, linked below. Submission requests over email will not be accepted.

  • On the upload screen, authors will be asked for an abstract. This should be between 200 and 400 words. The abstract (in issue, this is called a précis) should be a new composition, not a mere duplication from some portion of the article. It must summarize the topic or question, thesis, argument, and import of the article.

  • On the upload screen, authors will also be asked to identify keywords related to their submission. Please include three to seven keywords.

  • Additionally, authors must also upload a cover letter, briefly explaining the argument of the submission, its importance, and its fit with Lux Veritatis. This should also include the author's name, affiliation, and contact information.


Editorial and Peer Review Process

Upon receipt of your submission, the editors will determine whether it is fit for double-blind review. If so, a referree will review the submissions, provide feedback, and make one of the following recommendations: accept, reject, accept with revisions, or revise and resubmit. The editors will make all final decisions regarding publication.


Time Frame and Publication Details

All submissions will be either sent for peer review or rejected within two weeks of submission. Reviewers will be given one to two months in which to complete their review. Authors will receive a final decision from the editors within two weeks of receipt of the reviewer's recommendation.


Authors accepted for publication will receive digital galley-proofs, one final opportunity to read through the article and make final changes or corrections. These corrections should be confined to typographical errors and other minor changes. The responsibility for detecting errors lies with the author. Corrections of galley-proofs must be returned by the author within ten days of receipt.


The staff of LV will be unable to respond to authors' inquiries about their submissions after acknowledge of receipt are sent to them and while their manuscripts are under consideration by the editors or reviewer.


Upon publication, the accepted author will receive both a digital and a physical copy of the issue in which they are published.



Submission of a manuscript entails the author’s agreement (in the event his or her contribution is accepted for publication) to assign the copyright to Lux Veritatis.

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