About Lux Veritatis
Daniel Lendman, Ph.D.
Ave Maria University
Taylor Patrick O'Neill, Ph.D
Thomas Aquinas College
Assistant Editor
Lux Veritatis is a peer-reviewed journal of academic theology publishing articles that contemplate sacred doctrine in its speculative and sapiential fullness. It welcomes contributions that uphold theology as a science and that strive for understanding the truth of God and creation. Lux Veritatis was founded in 2024 by The Sacra Doctrina Project. It publishes three issues a year in a hybrid print and online format.
John Brungardt, Ph.D.
Newman University
Editorial Board
Matthew Dugandzic, Ph.D.
St. Mary's Seminary & University
James W. Stroud, S.T.D.
Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology
Brandon L. Wanless, Ph.D.
The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity
ISSN 2996-8534 (Online)
ISSN 2996-8526 (Print)